Physical Energy and Mental Energy
For each of the wide variety of activities that we compete and perform in, there is an ideal energy state. Some activities require minimal physical energy, but lots of precision, analysis, and/or strategy. For example, games like chess and poker require only a modicum of endurance on the physical side, but make large mental demands in analysis and strategy. On the other hand, some activities demand much less from the brain, but a total commitment with the body. A tug o’ war is a distillation of this, though more common activities, such as run-blocking in football or power-lifting are good examples that require a high power output mixed with a small need for adjustment and strategy.
The trick with any sport is to maintain the appropriate energy level. High energy (typically corresponding with a high heart rate and elevated muscle tension) leads to increased power, but less motor control and more commitment to each movement, so that adjusting to changing circumstances is more difficult. The chart below gives some estimates about how various sport activities compare. Many sports have varying requirements because they either combine quick, powerful movements with precise targeting (passing in football), or there are different elements in the given sports that require different energy levels at different times. The classic example of this is the Olympic Biathlon, which demands high energy for cross-country skiing, and extreme precision for rifle shooting.
Physical Energy Requirements, Assorted Sports
This chart gives some rough ideas for comparing various activities and the energy required to perform each. With most sports, there is a wide variation from moment to moment, but the first chart can help us recognize which sport activities require the highest or lowest amount of energy. The second chart (below) gives a range of energy levels specific for tennis. Any sport can be broken down to show the variation within (The first chart has lines connecting some related activities.). In most cases, the upper left corner represents activities which are best performed with a high energy level, so elevating one's heart rate will aid one's performance. The lower right corner is populated by activities for which a performer should seek to reduce their energy level for maximum concentration and precision.
Physical Energy Requirements, Tennis